Connecting People to Epilepsy Resources
Patient Assistance
We are here to help you.
We know how scary an epilepsy diagnosis can be, but rest assured that you are not alone. ESNJ is your dedicated partner on the journey to understanding a diagnosis. Our information specialists are ready to assist you in navigating your path forward, providing answers to all your questions, and connecting you with valuable tools and resources
For immediate help, please call 800-336-5843 |
Schedule a Call with Us Today
Contact us today for access to practical advice, tools, and support. Scan the QR code to schedule a time to speak one-on-one with a member of our team. We are eager to help you through every step of your journey.
Asistencia para pacientes
Epilepsy Services of New Jersey (ESNJ) está aquí para conectar a las personas con recursos sobre la epilepsia. Nuestro objetivo es facilitar el proceso conectándote directamente con un profesional que te dedicará tiempo sin interrupciones para responder todas tus preguntas sobre epilepsia y ayudarte a conocer los recursos disponibles. Las personas de habla hispana pueden consultar la información y tener ayuda inmediata, llamando al 800-336-5843.
ESNJ ofrece muchas oportunidades de apoyo a las personas con epilepsia y sus seres queridos. Estamos aquí para ayudar a las personas con epilepsia y sus familias a vivir sus vidas al máximo. Si deseas obtener más información sobre los recursos que ofrece ESNJ y le gustaría hablar directamente con un profesional, use el enlace a continuación para agendar una cita en el momento que le sea más conveniente
On Demand Seizure Recognition and First Aid Training
Please continue to help us spread the word. Strategize with your team about how you are going to use the On Demand training as part of your training plans. Share our Social media posts. If you have a community partner who wants to link to the training – please let me know!
Use this Form to Request a Training Session at Your School
T.R.U.S.T. – Seizure First Aid Posters
Seizure First Aid – Poster (PDF)
Primeros Auxilios Convulsiones (PDF)
More Information
Contact Information
Andrea Racioppi
Vice President, Epilepsy Services
Epilepsy Services of New Jersey
We’re Here to Help
For assistance with epilepsy resources or questions about ESNJ services